Tuesday 19 March 2013

My 1st Post

First of all thank you for having a look at my Blog....not to sure where to start or rather how I got started.  I became a member of an elite group of women called "The Scrappy Sister's"  also my very own bff/sister Peggy and other bff  Karin introduced me to scrape booking after I watched my sister disappear on weekends and retreats.... every time she did this I would say to myself "what in the world could she do for 12 hours"  well it didn't take long after they invited me to join them, but at the time I was beading jewelry and I still do now....so I joined this elite group to see what all the excitement was all about and before you know it I became a "Scrappy Sister"

I joined but was not sure what my passion was, since I am a very sentimental person I decided our rather others inspired me to design cards...I just love it....I am finding my way slowing...I was just saying the other day I think I found my calling or I am on my way...but after looking at some of my designs..I believe "I Have Arrived"


  1. Welcome to the group and the world of blogging Wendy. I can't wait to get to know you better. I am so happy you have arrived, lol.TFS, Mary M

  2. I can't wait to see some of your creations. I just got started with my blog last month. http://creativemindedmomma.wordpress.com/

  3. Thank you both for the comments and encouragement to find my mojo.....I am also a newbie to the scrape booking world...but having fun...social networking...

  4. Welcome to blog land!!! Looking forward to getting to know you better and seeing your wonderful creations!!
